Nigeria's No.1 Gospel Music Website



Saturday, 29 September 2018


GOSPELHINTS-Good evening ma. We are so happy to have you on GOSPELHINTS MEDIA Today...

Stephanie -Thank you. Same here. Am happy to be on GOSPELHINTS MEDIA😄

GOSPELHINTS-Please introduce yourself to the world ma

Stephanie- My name is Stephanie Nguhemen Manyam
I am a Singer, composer, dancer and writer.

GOSPELHINTS- Okey nice having you Today ma

Stephaine - THANKS

GOSPELHINTS - Ma we would want to know more about your music life ma??

Stephanie - okey .. Am quite new to the Gospel music scene 
Though I have been singing for years in the choir I released my first online single titled "my year shall be sweet" early this year 2018 So far, I have released 3 additional singles online this year I am a member of the Shelter of Glory choir "Shelter Praise" 

GOSPELHINTS - Okey nice... Tell us ma.. what was your first experience or how did you become a Christian artist 

Stephanie - I have always being a singer from childhood. Though I sang all sorts of songs, I discovered that I was really more happy singing gospel. And when I rededicated my life to Christ in the year 2002, I started thinking is singing strictly gospel I must say that it was my husband who first planted the idea of my singing publicly for Christ in my head. Then when I joined Shelter of Glory, and started listening to my senior Pastor Apostle Dr. King Omudu teach on using you talents to live out God's purpose in this world, I started thinking seriously about my singing and started writing songs by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit 

GOSPELHINTS - okey nice.... So tell us ma... Are you married and if yes how do you manage it with the family??

Stephanie - HAHAHAH Yes, I am married with 3 children. The eldest is 15 and the youngest 10 years. 

GOSPELHINTS - waooo nice 

Stephanie - I must say it has not been easy managing my singing with family life. 
But God has been good to me. My husband understands how important singing is to me and supports me by taking care of the home front when I have to be out singing. My children too love what I do. They help me in rehearsals and assure me they will be okay while am not there Sometimes it hard just getting off sometime to rehearse but I thank God...

GOSPELHINTS - okey we bless God.. So tell us in the music what has been the challenge sofar?? 

Stephanie - There are so many challenges. The first of which is bringing myself to limelight. People hardly know me and I have to work hard to become known Second challenge is finances. There are so many things I would love to do with my music but am begin delayed due to finances..

GOSPELHINTS - okey great... That’s wonderful…Back to your music, any pending projects? 

Stephanie - lots ands lots of projects.. Am working towards my album launch scheduled for early next year. And am about to start work on a music video for one of my song

GOSPELHINTS - waooo we can't wait to have them... 
Wowww… who else do you look up to; who inspires you? 

Stephanie - Am also writing profusely and will soon be going back to the studio to begin recording for another album. I have so many people who inspire me, First is my Senior Pastor. Listening to him preach the word of God has always been an inspiration to me. Then my choir director Kole Williams is one young man that is always an inspiration. Others are MGP, Lill'  Mizzy, faiwiz and the members of creative arts crew shelter of glory. These young men and women make me feel I can do it. Also, Sinach and Eben

GOSPELHINTS - waooo lovely...
Grateful to know this. Before I take leave of you, any message for your fans; or people of this world at large? 

Stephanie - Yes.. 
To my fans, I say thank you so much for your support. And I ask that they never give up on their dreams. It's never to early or too late to start working towards achieving them.
Also, they should keep their fingers crossed because am about to bless them with more great songs!!!
To my helpers whom God is using to lift me up I saw may reward you richly... 

On behalf of the whole gospelhints family, I’m so grateful for the time spent to have this done. We are very happy to have you; we would also look out for your videos and throw out all our support. Having you mean so much to us… That’s our ministry. We are hoping to do more projects together; for Christ sake. 

Stephanie - 
Thanks so much, its been a great time. Thanks for your support. God bless

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